Eyebrow Dandruff: Prevention, Causes, Treatment and Shampoo

Eyebrow dandruff is a real thing. Yes, it is! You are not dreaming. This is not fake news. 

I know eyebrow dandruff sounds so strange, I get you. So, if you do not want to have this, you better read until the end. And, if you already have this issue, then this article will help you a lot — no need to spend a lot for treating it. 

Eyebrow dandruff causes: Why do people have this?

I bet you are wondering how on earth could this happen. I mean, dandruff on our eyebrow? Wow! Sounds fake, huh? But, like what I have said, this is all real. Anyone could have it. 

Eyebrow dandruff is the same as the dandruff found on our scalp. It is the flaking that came from the irritation of the scalp. It can be linked to different skin problems like malassezia, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, contact dermatitis, and dry skin. 


Typically, Malassezia, a strain of fungus, is the reason behind eyebrow dandruff. This fungus can be usually seen on the skin surfaces of many animals, as well as on the skin of humans. It is contained in the oil that our skin naturally emits when we sweat. 

Treatment: Normally, people use topical treatments such as anti-itch creams or anti-dandruff shampoos to cure malassezia.


It is a skin disorder that causes our skin cells to multiply faster than usual. Because of this, our skin forms bumpy red patches covered with white scales that are really. Although this skin issue can grow in any part of our body, we can usually see it on our scalp, lower back, knees, and elbows — sometimes it can also appear near our eyebrows. 

Note: Psoriasis found on our faces should be treated immediately. It takes extra care and a lot of patience. 

No need to worry, though. This skin problem is not contagious. You cannot get psoriasis by touching or being close to someone who has it. 

To treat psoriasis, ointments or creams like steroid creams are what people usually use to cure the mild or moderate condition of this type of skin issue.

Seborrheic dermatitis

This is a common skin condition that affects our scalp and the oily parts of our body like our nose, face, ears, chest, eyelids, and eyebrows. 

When you have seborrheic dermatitis, you can see scaly patches on your skin. It also causes dandruff and red skin. The real cause of this skin issue is still unknown, however, according to some reports, those people who are prone to oily skin have a higher possibility of having extra scales and flakes. 

Some say it could also be because of yeast or an inflammatory response. While others say it could be because of the change in seasons. Based on reports, the condition of your seborrheic dermatitis tends to get worse during winter and early spring.

Treatment: Seborrheic dermatitis is not infectious. It is manageable and could be cured through repeated treatments. There are topical antifungal creams in the market that could help you to treat it. However, if you think these topical creams are not healing your skin problem or if your home remedies are not working, then it is advisable that you talk to your doctor about the treatments that could cure your seborrheic dermatitis.


Eczema or also known as atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin problem. It is commonly identified by the red and irritated skin that it produces. It is a skin condition wherein patches of our skin become itchy, rough, inflamed, and cracked, and sometimes it can cause blisters as well. 

The most usual symptoms of eczema are skin flushing, rashes, dry skin, scaly skin, itching, open, weeping, or sometimes crested sores. 

It is usually found in the flexors of our arms and legs and it can also appear around our eyebrows. Anyone with eczema can experience intense itchiness, sebum buildup, and scaly skin if you leave it untreated. This skin condition is not transmittable. 

Atopic dermatitis can be triggered by certain foods like dairy and nuts. Sometimes it can also be caused by our surroundings like pollen, smoke, aromas, and soaps.

How to cure it: As for the treatments for eczema, unfortunately, there is no cure for it as of the moment. In some cases, it goes away over time. While for others, it is a lifetime skin condition. But, do not lose hope, doctors will still give you suggestions on how to manage your skin condition. They will base it on your current symptoms, age, and state of your health

Contact dermatitis

This skin condition is caused by direct contact with products like conditioner, shampoo, soap, makeup, or detergent that could irritate your skin or can cause you allergy. An irritant or an allergen can cause red, itchy rash. This part of your skin may flake off, causing dandruff. 

Contact dermatitis has different types — allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, photocontact dermatitis, and occupational contact dermatitis.

  • Allergic contact dermatitis – From the word itself, this type of contact dermatitis is a result of an allergic reaction to a product. The skin reacts right away after exposure to an allergen 
  • Irritant contact dermatitis – This is the most common type among all kinds of contact dermatitis. It happens when the skin gets in contact with an irritating chemical or with a material that harms the outer protective layer of the skin. 
  • Photocontact dermatitis – This skin condition happens when a person’s skin comes in contact with a harmful substance and gets exposed to the sun. The exposure of the irritated part of your skin to ultraviolet radiation causes a reaction. 
  • Occupational contact dermatitis – From the word itself, “occupation”, occupational contact dermatitis is normally work-related. It happens in some professions where employees may come in repeated exposure to allergens or irritants that are harmful to the skin.

Here’s how to treat it: Most cases of contact dermatitis go away as soon as the substance that caused the irritation is no longer in contact with the skin. However, if yours is still not cured, you can try washing your skin with mild soap and tepid water to get rid of the irritants. You may also apply plain petroleum jelly to soothe the affected part of your skin.

If it is still not cured, then see a doctor to check your condition and get a cream to treat your skin issue.

Dry skin

The first thing you will notice when you get eyebrow dandruff is the dryness of your skin. Those who resides in harsh weather conditions or cold places may get serious dry skin that flakes like dandruff. 

Cure: For some people, this skin condition may heal quickly if they moisturize their face every day. Meanwhile, for those with mild cases, organic oils like jojoba oil, avocado, and coconut may bring moisture to your face as well. 

If these home remedies are not working for you, then it is better if you see a doctor to help you with your skin problem. 

Take note: Talking with a medical expert or to a dermatologist can help you understand the real condition of your skin. Through having a full examination, you will know the proper treatment for it. 

Prevent eyebrow dandruff by: 

  • Not stressing yourself too much! Yes, you heard it right — Do not stress yourself!

Lowering your stress level can help you in many ways because as you know, stress has a big impact on our overall health condition. 

Try meditating; it is one of the golden steps in de-stressing yourself. It is a quick and easy tool to reduce your stress. In this way, you can also help address your skin issue.

Practice mindfulness!

  • Eat healthy foods — fruits and veggies. If you are on diet, make sure that everything you eat is not torturing your body and your skin. 
  • Keep away from using products that can irritate your skin. Not all the products that celebrities, vloggers, and famous personalities use suit you. Be careful — read the label, look for reviews, and much better if you could ask your doctor or dermatologist for advice. 

How to prevent eyebrow dandruff?

There are many ways to treat eyebrow dandruff — you do not need to spend so much to get rid of it. What you have to do is:

  • Avoid irritants!

There are many harmful products out there. So, the first thing you need to do when you notice that you have eyebrow dandruff is to avoid substances that could worsen your skin condition. 

Avoid cleansers, lotions that have glycolic acid, tonics, benzoyl peroxide, anti-aging creams, acne treatments, or any products that may irritate your skin cells. 

Eyebrow dandruff: How to treat it?

  • Ask for medical help.

Like what I have always been saying, asking an expert’s help is one of the best solutions as they could give you a full diagnosis. So, if you think your home remedies are not working, do not be stubborn and ask for help from a doctor or dermatologist. 

  • Use an eyebrow dandruff shampoo. 

Yes, you heard it right! There are eyebrow dandruff shampoos in the market! No need to search for expensive products, why? If you have this condition, you could try buying anti-dandruff products you see in the market or online. Just make sure to use just a small amount of these medicated shampoos and be careful not to get in your eyes. 

Here are some of the anti-dandruff shampoos and brands that you might want to try:

Final thoughts…

You do not have to be shy if you have eyebrow dandruff, you are not alone. What’s important is you treat it correctly and carefully. Do not just dab anything on your skin just to cure your condition. Do not believe in hearsays, you have to check if the home remedies or the products suit you and won’t worsen your condition. 

Again, remember, what’s important is treating it correctly and carefully. Be wise and do not be swayed by just any products you see online. 

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