Calcium Deposits on Teeth Signs, Causes and How to Get Rid of them?

Your looks are enhanced not just by having beautiful hair or makeup, but by having a beautiful set of white teeth, too. However, there are instances when calcium deposits on teeth become a confidence buster. Today, we will share with you the causes of calcium buildup on teeth and what you can do to get rid of those unsightly marks to make your smile even shinier and brighter.

Teeth and Calcium Connection

Did you know that calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in your body? About 99% of calcium is deposited in your bones and in your teeth.

Calcium helps strengthen your tooth enamel which is the outer layer of your tooth. Bones and tooth enamel are considered to be the hardest substances in your body. The tooth enamel protects your tooth from erosion and tooth decay. Hard it may be, your tooth enamel is not free from damage.

Factors such as eating or drinking too many sweets and caffeine can destroy your tooth enamel. Also, calcium buildup on teeth can collect which could lead to enamel calcification.

What Are The Signs of Calcium Buildup on Teeth?

You will know if you have calcium buildup on teeth (tartar) because you can feel a rough substance that brushing alone cannot remove. In advanced cases, inflammation and gum bleeding occur.

The color of the calcium buildup right above the gum line could either be yellow or tannish that can grow larger if not addressed. If the buildup is below the gum line, what you will see is either black or brown.

For some people, a chalky appearance on teeth is noticeable. And, if you are sensitive to either hot or cold drinks, you may have an issue with calcium deposits on teeth.

How Do Calcium Deposits on Teeth Form?

1.  Demineralization

Calcium deposits or calcium buildup is commonly called tartar. Calcium buildup occurs when the calcium phosphate in the saliva glues to the plaque on your teeth. Plaque is characterized as a sticky and colorless biofilm that is composed of bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria feed on starches and sugar. Without the right care like regular toothbrushing and flossing, calcium phosphate calcifies into tartar. In short, if the plaque is not removed, it will calcify into tartar.

The problem is that tartar attracts even more plaque and bacteria, as a result, tartar causes tooth decay and gum disease plus a host of other dental health issues.

2.  Hypocalcification

Having those white spots on your teeth could be a sign of hypocalcification. The white discoloration is brought about by consuming a huge amount of acidic food. As a result, acid reflux develops. Acid reflux is a condition that triggers the production of acid and the breakdown of tooth enamel, thus, you see calcium buildup on teeth.

Aside from acidic food, the other causes of hypocalcification are:

  • Genetics because of a rare and inherited disease that affects the tooth enamel.
  •  Certain medical conditions like asthma. This is because of the meds that are used in treating these medical conditions.

What Are The Other Causes of Calcium Buildup on Teeth?

Apart from demineralization and hypocalcification, other factors that contribute to the calcium buildup on teeth or white spots on your teeth could any be of the following:

  • Watch what you eat

Your diet plays a role in the appearance of white spots on teeth. You are more prone if you do not have sufficient calcium in your daily diet. As we talked about earlier, calcium is an abundant mineral in your teeth, hence, lack of it leads to the deprivation of nutrients essential for strong bones and teeth.

Food groups that are delicious and will help build stronger tooth enamel are cheese, soy milk, milk, and green leafy veggies. As mentioned, acidic food also contributes to the occurrence of white spots on teeth.

  • Medicines

There are some meds that cause calcium deposits on teeth. One example is amoxicillin. This type of antibiotic impacts the way your mouth makes the tooth enamel stronger. It allows for the bacteria to affect the strength of your tooth enamel because antibiotics can interfere with nutrient absorption which, unfortunately, children are at higher risk.

In fact, there are times when white spots also appear on the teeth of babies. Usually, these white spots are unnoticeable and do not really cause an alarm. Let us now look into the reasons why your kids may also show some signs of calcium deposits on teeth.

What Causes White Spots on Baby Teeth Calcium Deposits?

  1.  Fluorosis

The term may be intimidating for a Mom like you but fluorosis is something that you should not lose sleep over with. It simply means exposing your baby’s teeth to too much fluoride. This condition develops while the teeth of your baby are still forming, usually from ages one year to eight years.

Enamel hypoplasia is the end result of fluorosis. A baby with this type of condition could have permanent teeth that are discolored with visible white spots. In some cases, though, once the permanent teeth start to come out, the risk of enamel hypoplasia drops.

To avoid white spots on baby teeth calcium deposits, use only a pea size of toothpaste. And, tell your child to spit rather than swallow once she/he is finished brushing. Lastly, do not let your child use fluoride rinses unless prescribed by a dentist.

You may want to purchase a toothpaste that is designed for babies such as:

2.  Tooth decay

Sometimes the white spots that you see on your baby’s teeth are not caused by too much fluoride. Rather, the white spots are already indications of tooth decay. Do you see white chalky spots on the gum line of your baby? If yes, a mineral loss is a reason which can darker if left untreated. This kind of tooth decay is reversible when treated right away.

As a Mom, don’t wait for the condition to worsen, if you see white spots on baby teeth calcium deposits, take your baby to the dentist to address the issue before it worsens.

3.  Smoking while pregnant

If you are a smoker, stop right away, lest, your baby’s overall health will be affected, including the teeth. Smoking cigarettes while pregnant can lead to white spots on baby teeth. This is because smoking accelerates and promotes enamel hypoplasia. As we’ve discussed earlier, enamel hypoplasia thins the tooth enamel causing your child’s teeth prone to discoloration and infections.

4.  High fever

You can have white spots on your teeth if you had a high fever but babies are more prone to have those. This happens because high fever can lead to dehydration. This means that during the time your baby had a high fever and was not eating, acid forms in your baby’s dry mouth that causes damage in the form of white spots on baby teeth.

As a Mom, the best action plan is to be sure that your baby stays well-hydrated during bouts of fever.

5.  Braces

Wearing braces can result in white spots on baby teeth calcium deposits. The level of acidity in the oral cavity increases as a result of having braces.

To avoid white spots, encourage your child to remove food particles from the braces after every meal. Plus, of course, good oral hygiene will lessen the chances of your child being left with nasty white spots on teeth once the braces are removed.

May we also recommend that you introduce to your child the use of an orthodontic toothbrush such as:

Those are the possible reasons as to why you see white spots on baby teeth.

What Are The Calcium Buildup on Teeth Removal at Home That You Can Safely Do and Use?

Unless you have all your teeth removed, you will continue to deal with bacterial plaque forming on your teeth for the rest of your life. The best way that you can do at home to prevent calcium deposits on teeth buildup is brushing and flossing every day. Apart from these two, we recommend that you level-up your oral hygiene routine with these additional steps:

The American Dental Association also recommends the use of a toothpaste with tartar control ingredients like Arm & Hammer PeroxiCare tartar control fluoride toothpaste with baking soda and peroxide.

Do you skip the use of mouthwash? If yes, you may want to add that to your daily hygiene routine because alcohol-free mouthwash has fluoride that prevents calcium buildup on teeth. Do this twice a day by using products like Solimo dry mouth oral rinse, alcohol-free.

Have you tried using water pick teeth cleaner? This is a calcium buildup on teeth removal at home that you can safely do to prevent plaque from accumulating. The cordless water flosser MayBeau portable water flosser teeth cleaner is an awesome product that gently removes dental plaque and food debris. Can be used for those who wear braces, or those with dental implants.

And, for a more thorough clean, try disclosing tablets for teeth such as Plaqsearch disclosing tablets. These tablets change color if stains are detected.

Some More Tips on Calcium Buildup on Teeth Removal at Home

  1.  Oil pulling

This is an Indian folk remedy for removing toxins. You may use coconut oil or sunflower or sesame oil. Place 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth and then swish the oil around your mouth for about 15 to 20 minutes.

2)  Hydrogen peroxide

Use 1.5% to 3% hydrogen peroxide and use it as mouthwash just before you brush your teeth. Hydrogen peroxide is a solution that kills bacteria. Just don’t overdo it, twice a week is enough.

3)  Baking soda

This is a mild abrasive that can whiten teeth and prevents bacterial growth. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of water to form a paste. Use this as your toothpaste two to three times a week.

4)  Activated charcoal

Have you heard of activated charcoal to whiten stained teeth? This is a homemade method although there’s still no scientific evidence to back it up. You may try it at home but it is best if you get the go-signal of your dentist first. Here’s what you need:

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tsp activated charcoal powder
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • few drops of peppermint oil

Mix everything and store it in a container. You can now use this as your homemade toothpaste.


Plaque is your teeth’s number one enemy. But, with proper oral hygiene, you have the power to prevent or at least, lessen the accumulation of plaque that leads to calcium deposits on teeth. Just do not skip your dentist’s appointment, at least twice a year for a beautiful set of white and healthy teeth.

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