How to Get Rid Of Hip Dips With Regular Exercise and Diet Techniques

We all crave to get that hourglass figure, not because we want to impress anybody, but because we want to look our best, feel healthy, and become the best version of ourselves. Nothing feels more empowering than seeing the hard work and effort you put into regular exercise, and healthy eating finally come to fruition. Plus, it also feels even more empowering being able to share our stories with other girls struggling through their journey and motivating them to keep going.

However, one of the biggest challenges a woman must overcome is hip dips, the single thing ruining the hourglass image you want to achieve. And, we’re seeing an alarming trend of girls putting in the effort and seeing a lot of change but still struggling to solve their hip dip problems. So, today we’ll be going through just how you can solve them and what exactly you need to do.

So, What Are Hip Dips Anyway?

As the name suggests, Hip Dips refers to the inward depression on the side of your body, making it look like a dip, and then it curves back up once your reach your thighs. Instead of achieving that one fluid curve and making you look ever-gorgeous, you’re stuck with some sort of indent in the way. Of course, these are perfectly normal and are part of a woman’s growth, but if they make you feel less comfortable in your body, there are ways to fix them.

First Solution – Exercise Plan to Get Rid Of Hip Dips

Firstly, the most accessible and clear-cut way of getting rid of hip dips is through a good exercise plan. Most of the time, these dips are caused by a lack of muscle, and when fat accumulates in that specific area of the body, the underdeveloped muscles fail in comparison. However, the plan isn’t to burn off that fat through specific spot-reduction because that’s impossible. Instead, we’re going to build your muscles, fill it out, and encourage the fat burning to happen over time.

1. Glute Bridges

Number one on this list of exercise recommendations is glute bridges, a staple in any exercise regimen that wants to get that perfect posterior and remove all the adverse effects of sitting down all day.

  • Step #1: Lie faceup on the floor, knees bent, and your feet planted firmly on the ground. You want to keep your arms lying on your side with your palms also facing up.
  • Step #2: Lift your hips off the ground and feel your core, glutes, and hip engage as they form a straight line. Hold it for at least two to three seconds, and be sure not to overextend your back.
  • Step #3: Slowly regress back down to your initial position, and that counts as one repetition.

2. Side Leg Raises

Number two on this list of exercise recommendations is side leg raises, the perfect exercise to combat imbalances in strength for your body, shaping your backside, and strengthening your hips and core at the same time.

  • Step #1: Place your hands on your hips or out in front of you and stand upright. If you can’t balance properly yet, you can use a chair or any other means to support your body.
  • Step #2: Lift one leg up as you shift the weight to your opposite leg and maintain balance throughout the exercise. Maintain good control throughout the motion, and feel free to use resistance bands to add more weight and a challenge.
  • Step #3: Slowly return to your initial position, and that counts as one repetition. Do the same for the opposite leg.

3. Side Lunges

Last on this list of exercise recommendations is side lunges, a great exercise to help workout the inner thighs, hamstrings and even tackle your problem of hips all at the same time.

  • Step #1: Stand upright with your feet planted firmly on the ground, hip-width apart.
  • Step #2: Lean and take a wide step out onto one side while keeping your feet planted on the ground on not moving them. Push your hips back and control the entire movement.
  • Step #3: Push back into your initial position using the other leg and return to standing upright, and that counts as one repetition. Do the same for the other leg.

Second Solution – Good Diet to Get Rid Of Hip Dips

Of course, a good exercise plan is one thing, but you can’t outrun a bad diet. So, for our second solution, you’ll want to change up the things you eat for the better and stick to healthier options for the long-term. Not only will this improve your body figure, but eating healthier food, in general, improves your overall health and makes you feel better. However, don’t force yourself to eat the things you don’t enjoy too much!

1. Count Your Calories

First on the list of changes to your diet is counting your calories and being aware of what you’re putting inside your body. For most food products, the calories are easily found behind the back of the packaging, but if you’re cooking a meal, it doesn’t hurt to look up the number of calories online. As a good rule of thumb, you can use the plate as a reference and make sure you’re eating a good portion of everything. Just remember to balance out everything and decrease the number of carbs you’re eating.

2. More Greens

Second, on the list of changes to your diet is adding more greens and making sure you get your share of veggies every day. Especially for those that aren’t much of a fan of veggies, you’ll be surprised at how much healthier you will and look once your add more greens to your diet. Plus, instead of snacking on biscuits and chips, we suggest substituting all of that with fruits to increase the number of vitamins and nutrients you get every day.

3. Drink More Water

Lastly, drink more water. A lot of us tend to snack and open the fridge because we aren’t “full,” but in reality, our body has gotten more than enough calories from the previous meal. So, try to practice drinking a glass of water whenever you feel like you’re hungry, and this way, you can satiate that faux-hunger with what you actually need – hydration. Plus, it also helps to eat more food rich in protein, so you feel fuller after every meal.

However, Don’t Shy Away From Professional Help.

Of course, just because we’ve laid down all these tips doesn’t mean you should do it all on your own. There’s a lot of merit to getting professional help, and you shouldn’t shy away from asking an expert if you want a guide who can help you every step of the way.

  • Personalized Workout Routine: Everyone’s body is different, and while compound exercise does address most issues with hip dips, a personal trainer can highlight your weak points and isolate the muscles that need to be developed. As a result, you get a personalized workout routine configured to your needs and athletic level.
  • Motivational Advice: Exercise and dieting is tough work, and it can be very afflictive to our general mood when we don’t see the results we want. A personal trainer can help give you the motivation needed to keep striving and pushing toward your goals. Plus, they can also get you in touch with focus groups who are in the same boat as you!

Overcoming Your Hip Dips

Hip dips are annoying to deal with, but they’re not impossible to get rid of, and with a bit of hard work and time invested, you’ll be waving them goodbye in no time. Just remember to go at your pace, stay consistent, and be responsible with your eating. Soon enough, you’ll be rocking those bikinis and outfits you’ve craved for so long!

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